The lack of perspective, the need for constant attention.
Nobody really cares much, just enough as it’s convenient for themselves.
Selflessness is outdated, now we gotta move fast, follow trends, show ourselves without showing who we are.
Difficult talks are boring, the hard work of sitting down alone still terrifies the many.
It’s all about exposure, overexposure. Noise. Shallow nothingness.
It feels like a collection of over saturated photos, camera shots with no thought on correlation, with no effort put in coherence, in enhancing the story.
Certainly, exhausting.
“Not everything needs to be important or meaningful.”
“Not everything needs to carry a story.”
Seriousness is dreaded, masses keep moving towards enjoyment, distraction, satisfaction.
Fear, fear of showing the shadow parts of oneselves because of the overly push towards always looking positive, always finding a silver lining, always having to move on, get over it, “good vibes only”, being thankful, learning from adversity, “everything happens for a reason”.
Overanalyzing. Over diagnosing. The need to medicate pain to put it away. The need to medicate anxiety to look normal. The need to exposure to our fear to overcome them.
Where was compassion left? Towards ourselves, towards others? Tell me, when was the last time you actually stopped and helped someone who was sitting down in the street begging for food, instead of walking past them as if they were no human? As if they were a different category of humans?
Tell me, have you ever thought that if you, you, had been born in a different country, under different circumstances, in a different environment, you could be that person? Have you thought how injust and random is the selection of our existence, where some of us get to complain about our mental state while other don’t even get enough calories to even move out of their beds, covered in flies waiting to feed on their corpses?
Have you really thought that your narcissistic ego may be helping you in getting some satisfaction for your unmet inner needs, but is not doing a single fucking shit for the rest of the world? Can you actually, do you have the capability of seeing further your own bling distorted conceptualization of what’s good for yourself?
The superfluous nature of everything is what’s ending our humanity. The lack of inner retrospective, the need for showing off your “superiority” in knowledge, in physical appearance, in financial status, in contacts, in skills.
One day you will be dead and buried. Food for mother nature.
I think it’s time to wake up.
To me, this World has turned into too much. I’m losing my strength. Can’t physically or emotionally cope with such madness all around. I can’t not care. I can’t not feel all the suffering around as my own. I can’t turn my head around. I can’t not be deep in my thoughts, want to have conversations full of meaning, create stories, be serious.
The shallowness of everything is a devoured.
I’m at its feet.